Liability notice:

This website was composed conscientiously and impartially and is, to the best of my knowledge, complete and up-to-date. No responsibility will be accepted for the content, accuracy, completeness and currency of my site. Nor does the author accept responsibility for websites belonging to third parties referred to (through hyperlinks), either graphically or textually! In its decision of 12 May 1998, the Hamburg district court ruled that by establishing a link, the author assumes responsibility for the content of the linked site. The court states that this can only be prevented if the author explicitly distances himself from this content. I have included links on this website to other Internet pages. I would like to clearly state that I have no influence over the design and content of any of the linked sites. I therefore explicitly distance myself from all content on all sites referred to on my homepage. This statement is valid for all links established on my homepage.

Responsible for website content:
Bernhard Heuvelmann
Sophienstraße 22
D – 68165 Mannheim

Telefon: +49 621 729 65368

VAT ID: DE216372268

Last updated: Jan 2012

Design / Web Authors:
Bernhard Pompey, Communication Concepts, CH-Lucerne

Burkhard Riegels-Winsauer, VISUELLE KOMPETENZ, Reutlingen, Germany